Gameplay Mode

Using the settings in the Options modal, you can set your level to either Campaign Mode or Battle Mode. Campaign Mode will set the level to run in a cooperative environment, and Battle Mode will set it to run in a competitive environment.

Level Name

Using the input in the Options modal, you can set your level's name. When saving this level to the Cymatically Muffed server, it must have a unique name. When working on a server-saved level, changing this value will rename the existing level.

Next Level

Using the drop-down in the Options modal, you can set the next level for your campaigns. The available options are from the Campaign Mode levels you have created, so you will need to create the next level before it appears in the list. This setting connects your levels in a campaign and allows players to be taken to the next level when they reach a Transition Corridor that has been marked as the end of the level via the "Is End" checkbox. This option does not appear for Battle Mode levels as their end-game triggers are handled by their Game Mode.


Using the drop-down in the Options modal, you can set the music selection for your campaign levels. The available options are from the Campaign Mode music selection. The selected track will play on repeat while players are in your level. This option does not appear for Battle Mode levels as their music is selected randomly from the allowed Battle Mode music selection.