Pressing the W, A, S, or D keys will pan the view.
While placing a Room or Stuff, press and hold the SHIFT key to continue placing more instances.
While rotating selected Stuff, press and hold the SHIFT key to snap rotation to steps of 45°.
While selecting objects, either individually or with a select box, press and hold the SHIFT key to retain previous selections while collecting new ones.
While rotating selected Stuff, press and hold the ALT key to rotate each selected Stuff independently, instead of as a group.
Press the DELETE key to delete all selected Stuff.
Press the ESCAPE key to cancel any active action.
Arrow Keys
Press the arrow keys to move selected Stuff.
While placing a Corridor, press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to cycle types and the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to rotate.
While placing, or having Context-Menu-selected, a Standard Room, press the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys to cycle the North/South/West/East wall types, respectively.
While placing, or having Context-Menu-selected, a Room, press the J key to cycle the floor style.
While placing, or having Context-Menu-selected, a Room, press the M key to cycle the wall style.
Press and hold the CTRL key and press the S key to save.
Press and hold the CTRL key and press the C key to fire the copy functionality for any selected stuff (this behavior is the same as if you'd right-clicked on a stuff and selected "Duplicate (ALL)").
Press the ` key to toggle the View Mode. Press the BACKSPACE key to invoke the Assignment button. Press the 1 through 0, -, and = keys to invoke their matching stored actions. Each Assignable button also renders the key that is used to invoke it. Press and hold the CTRL key and one of the Assignable button shortcut keys to assign the last quickbar-able action to it.